Search Results - "Soviet-"
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Economic conditions 8
- Ekonomik durum 8
- Politics and government 5
- Politika ve idare 5
- History 4
- Tarih 4
- Congresses 3
- Dış ekonomik ilişkiler 3
- Dış ilişkiler 3
- Economic policy 3
- Ekonomik politika 3
- Europe, Eastern 3
- Foreign economic relations 3
- Kongreler 3
- Periodicals 3
- Privatization 3
- Relations 3
- Süreli yayınlar 3
- Önceki Sovyet Sosyalist Cumhuriyetler Birliği 3
- Özelleştirme 3
- İlişkiler 3
- Avrupa, Doğu 2
- Corrupt practices 2
- Economic Conditions 2
- Foreign relations 2
- Former Soviet republics 2
- Political corruption 2
- Siyasal yolsuzluk 2
- Soviet Union 2
- Sovyetler Birliği 2
Economic backwardness in historical perspective; a book of essays.
Published 1962Subjects: “…Industries- Soviet Union…”
Book -
When things fall aport:qualitative studies of poverty in the former Soviet Union. (Derl.): Nora Dudwick (ve diğ.).
Published 2003Subjects: “…Poverty Former Soviet republics…”
Book -
Tika ve Bilkent Üniversitesi Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü tarafından düzenlenen Kafkasya ve Orta Asya:bağımsızlıktan sonra geçmiş ve gelecek konferansı, (25-27 Mayıs 1999 - Ankara...
Published 1995Subjects: “…Muslims Former Soviet Republic Congesses…”
Conference Proceeding -
Reforming the energy sector in transition economies : selected experience and lessons / Dale Gray
Published 1995Subjects: “…Energy policy Former Soviet republics…”
Book -
Değişim: Türkiye - Azerbaycan ve Orta Asya Cumhuriyetlerinde demokrasi ve piyasa ekonomisine geçiş süreci / Yeni Forum Uluslararası II. Sempozyumu, 16-23 Kasım 1992 Bakü, Azerbayca...
Published 1993Subjects: “…Turkic peoples Former Soviet republics Economic conditions Congresses…”
Conference Proceeding -
Adam Smith goes to Moscow : a dialogue on radical reform / Walter Adams and James W. Brock
Published 1993Subjects:Book -
Ruling Russia : authoritarianism from the revolution to Putin / William Zimmerman.
Published 2014Subjects: “…Authoritarianism Soviet Union…”
Book -
Anticorruption in transition: A contribution to the policy debate.
Published 2000Subjects: “…Political corruption Former Soviet republics…”
Book -
From red to gray: the "third transition" of aging populations in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union / Mukesh Chawla ... (et al.)
Published 2007Subjects: “…Population forecasting Soviet Union…”
Book -
Migration and remittances: Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union / Edited by Ali Mansoor, Bryce Quillin.
Published 2006Subjects:Book -
Anticorruption in transition 2: corruption in enterprise-state interactions in Europe and Central Asia, 1999-2002 / Cheryl Gray, Joel Hellman, Randi Ryterman.
Published 2004Subjects: “…Political corruption Former Soviet republics…”
Book -
Financing energy efficiency and climate change mitigation: a guide for investors in Belarus, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine / Economic Commission for Eur...
Published 2005Subjects: “…Energy industries Former Soviet republics…”
Book -
Bağımsız devletler topluluğu ve Orta Asya Cumhuriyetleri
Published 1992Subjects: “…Economic forecasting Former Soviet republics…”
Book -
Turmoil at twenty: recession, recovery, and reform in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union / Pradeep Mitra, Marcelo Selowsky and Juan Zalduendo.
Published 2010Subjects: “…Banks and banking Former Soviet republics…”
Book -
Türkiye, Türk Cumhuriyetleri ve Asya Pasifik Ülkeleri Uluslararası Eğitim Sempozyumu, 24-26 Eylül 1997, Elazığ.
Published 1998Subjects: “…International education Former Soviet Republic Congresses…”
Conference Proceeding -
Creditor reporting system. Aid activities. Aid activities in CEECs / NIS / Development Assistance Committee = Systeme de notification des pays creanciers. Activites d'aide. Activi...
SourceOECD (On-line erişim)