Search Results - "Labour force statistics."

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  1. 1

    Hanehalkı işgücü istatistikleri = Household labour force statistics.

    Published 2003
    “…Household labour force statistics.…”
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  3. 3

    Hanehalkı işgücü istatistikleri: coğrafi bölgeler = Household labour force statistics: geographical regions.

    Published 2003
    “…Household labour force statistics: geographical regions.…”
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    Hanehalkı işgücü istatistikleri: Coğrafi bölgeler ve dokuz il merkezi = Household labour force statistics: Geographical regions and nine province centers.

    Published 2005
    “…Household labour force statistics: geographical regions and nine province centers.…”
  6. 6

    Hanehalkı işgücü istatistikleri: il merkezleri; Adana, Ankara, Antalya, Bursa, Erzurum, Gaziantep, İstanbul, İzmir, Samsun = Household labour force statistics: province centers.

    Published 2003
    “…Household labour force statistics: province centers.…”
  7. 7

    Hanehalkı işgücü istatistikleri: istatistiki bölge birimleri sınıflaması İBBS, 1. ve 2. düzey = Household labour force statistics: Classification of statistical region units: SRE, level 1 and 2.

    Published 2007
    “…Household labour force statistics: Classification of statistical region units: SRE, level 1 and 2.…”