Search Results - "Hungary-"
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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Commerce 3
- Periodicals 3
- Süreli yayınlar 3
- Economic conditions 2
- Ekonomik durum 2
- Hungary 2
- Sustainable development 2
- Sürdürülebilir kalkınma 2
- Ticaret 2
- Accidents 1
- Acil durum yönetimi 1
- Agriculture, cooperative 1
- Agriculture3xEconomic aspects 1
- Belediye finansmanı 1
- Bilgi kaynakları yönetimi 1
- Case studies 1
- Commercial products 1
- Commercial statistics 1
- Economic aspects 1
- Economic development 1
- Economic integration 1
- Economic planning 1
- Economic policy 1
- Ekonomik politika 1
- Ekonomik yönü 1
- Ekonomik İşbirliği ve Kalkınma Teşkilatı 1
- Emergency management 1
- Energy conservation 1
- Energy consumption 1
- Energy policy 1
The Hungarian experience in economic planning; a theoretical and empirical study.
Published 1959Subjects: “…Economic planning Hungary…”
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Economics of cooperative farming (Objectives and optima in Hungary). By Ferenc Fekete, Earl O. Heady and Bob R. Holdren.
Published 1976Subjects: “…Agriculture3xEconomic aspects Hungary.…”
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Country report.Hungary/EIU the Economist Intelligence Unit
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Intergovernmental finance in Hungary: a decade of experience, 1990-2000 / ed.: Mihaly Kopanyi, Deborah Wetzel, Samir El Daher.
Published 2004Subjects: “…Local finance Hungary…”
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National peer review: Hungary.
Published 2004Subjects: “…Urban transportation policy Hungary…”
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Reforms for stability and sustainable growth: an OECD perspectives an Hungary.
Published 2008Subjects: “…Sustainable development Hungary…”
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Foreign trade in a planned economy. Edited by the late Imre Vajda and Professor Mihaly Simai.
Published 1971Subjects: “…Hungary Commerce…”
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Allocation of local goverment functions : criteria and conditions : analysis and policy proposals for Hungary / Zoltân Hermann [and three athers]
Published 1999Subjects: “…Local government Hungary…”
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Energy policies of IEA countries. Hungary review.
Published 2007Subjects: “…Energy policy Hungary Periodicals…”
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Second international nuclear emergency exercise INEX 2: final report of the Hungarian regional exercise = Deuxieme exercice international d'urgence INEX 2: rapport final sur l'exer...
Published 2001Subjects: “…Nuclear power plants Accidents Hungary…”
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Rush versus harmonic growth; medition on the theory and on the policies of economic growth.
Published 1972“…Hungary- Economic development…”
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Macaristan: yerinde pazar araştırması. (haz.): Mehmet İşcan, Tuğrul Somuncuoğlu.
Published 2008“…Turkey Commerce Hungary…”
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