Search Results - "Avrupa, Doğu"
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Avrupa, Doğu 33
- Europe, Eastern 14
- Economic policy 8
- Ekonomik politika 8
- Özelleştirme 8
- Avrupa Birliği 6
- Periodicals 6
- Süreli yayınlar 6
- Ekonomik Politika 5
- Ekonomik durum 5
- Türkiye 5
- İstatistikler 5
- İşgücü piyasası 5
- Developing countries 4
- Economic conditions 4
- Ekonomik Durum 4
- European Union 4
- Gelişmekte olan ülkeler 4
- Privatization 4
- Avrupa 3
- Avrupa, Orta 3
- Europe, Central 3
- Government policy 3
- Hükümet politikası 3
- Statistics 3
- Uluslararası Ekonomik İlişki 3
- Çevre politikası 3
- 1989- 2
- Asya 2
- Corrupt practices 2
The Environment For Technological Change In Centrally Planned Economies / Kazimierz Poznanski.
Published 1985Subjects: “…Teknolojik Yenilikler Avrupa, Doğu…”
Book -
Exchange Rates In Eastern Europe: :Types, Derivation, And Application / J.M. Van Brabant, Paul Marer.
Published 1985Subjects: “…Döviz Yönetimi Avrupa, Doğu…”
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Doğu Bloku Memleketleri İle Ticari İlişkilerimiz.
Published 1970Subjects: “…Türkiye Ticaret Avrupa, Doğu…”
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Privatization And Restructuring In Central And Eastern Europe: Evidence And Policy Options / Gerhard Pohl.
Published 1997Subjects: “…Özelleştirme Avrupa, Doğu…”
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Road Maps Of The Transition: The Baltics, The Czech Repuclic, Hungary And Russia / Biswafit Banerjee.
Published 1995Subjects: “…Avrupa, Doğu Ekonomik Politika 1989-…”
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Trends in education access and financing during the transition in Central and Eastern Europe. Bruno Laporte, Dena Ringold.
Published 1997Subjects: “…Eğitim Ekonomik yönü İstatistikler Avrupa, Doğu…”
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Sosyalist Ülkelerle Dış Ticaret İlişkilerimiz Üzerine Bir İnceleme: Dış Ticaret Semineri / Ergun Türkcan.
Published 1966Subjects: “…Türkiye Ticaret Avrupa, Doğu…”
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Privazation In The Transition Process Recent Experiences .Budapest, May 1993 / Der. Yilmaz Akyüz.
Published 1994Subjects: “…Özelleştirme Avrupa, Doğu…”
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Growth in the Central and Eastern European Countries of the European Union. Susan Schadler (ve diğ.).
Published 2006Subjects: “…Avrupa, Doğu Ekonomik politika…”
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Capital Markets in central and Eastern Europe. (Derl.): Christion Helmenstein.
Published 1999Subjects: “…Sermaye piyasası Avrupa, Doğu Kongreler…”
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Agricultural policies in emerging and transition economies 2000.
Published 2000Subjects: “…Tarım ve devlet Avrupa, Doğu…”
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Taxation and foreign direct investment; the experience of the economies in transition.
Published 1995Subjects: “…Yatırımlar, Yabancı Vergilendirme Avrupa, Doğu…”
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Russia and Eastern Europe after communism: the search for new political, economic and securty systems. (Derl.)Michael Kraus, Ronald d. LLiebowits.
Published 1996Subjects: “…Komünizm Avrupa, Doğu…”
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Protection of intellctual property in Central and Eastern European Countries:the legal situation in Bulgaria, CSFR, Hungary, Poland and Romania.
Published 1995Subjects: “…Patent yasaları Avrupa, Doğu…”
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Regimes, politics, and markets: democratization and econmic change in Southern and Eastern Europe. Jose Maria Maravall(çev.): Justin Byrne.
Published 1997Subjects: “…Demokrasi Avrupa, Doğu…”
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Labor market performance in transition:the experience of central and Eastern European Countries. Jerald Schiff (ve diğ).
Published 2006Subjects:Book -
Labor Markets And Social Policy İn Central And Eastern Europe: The Transition And Beyond / Der. Nicholas Barr.
Published 1994Subjects: “…İşgücü Arzı Avrupa, Doğu…”
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Planning And Profits In Socialist Economies / Jean-C. Asselain, Jill Rubery, John A. Wilson.
Published 1984Subjects:Book