Published:v.1 - Mar. 1911 -
Item Description:vol. 1 called also Bulletin of the American Economic association, 4th series.
The American economic review, with its supplements, forms the 4th series of the Publications of the American Economic Association.
Each vol. includes also: Papers and proceedings of the... Annual Meeting of the Americam Economic Association.
Includes annual List of doctoral dissertations in political economy in progress in American universities and colleges; and the Hand book of the American Economic Association.
Includes bibliographical references.
Kütüphanede bulunan yıllar: 1945 (4-5), 1947 (1-5), 1948 (1-5), 1949 (1-5), 1950 (2-3), 1951 (4-5), 1952 (5), 1953 [1-2,4 (1), 5 (1)], 1954 (1-5), 1955 (1), 1956 (1, 3-5), 1957 (1-3,5-6), 1958 (1,3-4), 1959 (1-4), 1960 (1,3,5), 1963 (1,4), 196
Physical Description:v.: ill.
Publication Frequency:5 no. a year, with a 6th issue quadrennially, 1981 -