Pre - project feasibility studies for Petkim Petrokimya A. Ş. Yarımca - İzmit - Turkey

Bibliographic Details
Corporate Authors: Petkim Petrokimya A.Ş, Badger International LTD
Format: Book
Published: London: Badger International LTD. , 1969
Table of Contents:
  • c. 1. Basis of pre- project feasibility studies petrochemical plants. c. 2. Butadiene extractions SBR and CBR plants. c. 3. Chlorine, VCM and PVC plants. c. 4. Cyclohexane and caprolactam plants. c. 5. DMT plant. c. 6. Ethylene oxide Glycol plant and tea plant. c. 7. LDPE, HDPE and polypropylene plants. c. 8. Petrochemical inter mediates plants. c.9. Petrochemical plant at Aliaga. c. 10. Phathalic anhydride plant. c. 11. Styrene plant. c. 12. Summarizing report of pre - project feasibility studies for Yarımca and combined complexes in Turkey.