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Clusters, innovation and entre...
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Clusters, innovation and entrepreneurship /
Bibliographic Details
Corporate Authors:
Local Economic and Employment Development (Program) (LEED)
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Secretary-General (OECD)
Other Authors:
Potter, Jonathan (Jonathan Graham)
Miranda, Gabriela
Industrial clusters
OECD countries
İşletme kümelenmeleri
OECD ülkeleri
Industrial location
OECD countries
Sanayi yerleşimi
OECD ülkeleri
Technological innovations
OECD countries
Teknolojik yenilikler
OECD ülkeleri
OECD countries
OECD ülkeleri
Industrial location
Government policy
OECD countries
Sanayi yerleşimi
Hükümet politikası
OECD ülkeleri
Technological innovation
Government policy
OECD countries
Teknolojik yenilikler
Hükümet politikası
OECD ülkeleri
Government policy
OECD countries
Hükümet politikası
OECD ülkeleri
Cluster analysis
Kümeleme analizi
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