Öğrenci ve ailelerinin sosyo-ekonomik nitelikleri anket sonuçları = Social and economics characteristics of students and their families survey results.

Bibliographic Details
Corporate Authors: T.C. Başbakanlık Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü (DİE), Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TÜİK)
Format: Book
Published: Ankara: DİE, 1985-1986.
Item Description:İçindekiler: c.1. (Eskişehir ili ortaokul, lise ve dengi okullarına yeni kayıt olanlar) 1982/1983 Öğretim yılı-School year: (Students who have been newly admitted to the junior high school, high school and their equals in the province of Eskişehir)
c.2. (Artvin ve Muş illeri ortaokul, lise ve dengi okullarına yeni kayıt olanlar) 1983-1984 Öğretim yılı-School year: (Students who have been newly admitted to the junior high school, high school and their equals in the provinces of Artvin and Muş)
Physical Description:2c. tab.