Search Results - Vural, Oktay
Oktay Vural

Oktay Vural was born on February 9, 1956, in Diyarbakır as the child of Hasan and Harbiye Vural. After completing his primary and secondary education in Diyarbakır, he graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Law in 1979 . In 1983, he received his Master's Degree from Ege University , Faculty of Economics, Department of Finance, and in 1987, his PhD in Economics from Dokuz Eylul University, Institute of Social Sciences.
In 1988, he became an Assistant Professor at Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. BOTAŞ Pipelines and Petrol Transport Inc. Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Manager, Member of the Presidency State Audit Board, Türkiye Gübre Sanayi A.Ş. Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Directorate, Unity in Democracy Foundation Membership, NATO Parliamentary Assembly Membership, XXI., XXIII., XXIV and XXV. He served as the İzmir Deputy for the term, as the chairman of the Parliamentary Industry, Trade, Energy, Natural Resources, Information and Technology Commission, and as the Minister of Transport. He served as the Deputy Chairman of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Group in the 23rd and 24th term in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. He resigned from his position on 22 June 2016 On June 24, 2023, he joined the party at the IYI Party's Ordinary Assembly and joined the General Administrative Board.
Galatasarayis a congress member. He had two children named Oğuz and Yavuz from his marriage to Tuba Vural. Provided by Wikipedia