Search Results - G.I


25th Infantry Division GI}}

G.I. is an informal term that refers to "a soldier in the United States armed forces, especially the army". It is mostly deeply associated with World War II, but continues to see use.

It was originally an initialism used in U.S. Army paperwork for items made of galvanized iron. The earliest known instance in writing is from either 1906 or 1907.

During World War I, U.S. soldiers took to referring to heavy German artillery shells as "G.I. cans". During the same war, "G.I.", reinterpreted as "government issue" or "general issue", began being used to refer to any item associated with the U.S. Army, ''e.g.'', "G.I. soap". Other reinterpretations of "G.I." include "garrison issue" and "general infantry".

The earliest known recorded instances of "G.I." being used to refer to an American enlisted man as a slang term are from 1935. In the form of "G.I. Joe" it was made better known due to it being taken as the title of a comic strip by Dave Breger in ''Yank, the Army Weekly'', beginning in 1942. A 1944 radio drama, ''They Call Me Joe'', reached a much broader audience. It featured a different individual each week, thereby emphasizing that "G.I. Joe" encompassed U.S. soldiers of all ethnicities. ''They Call Me Joe'' reached civilians across the U.S. via the NBC Radio Network and U.S. soldiers via the Armed Forces Radio Network.

"G.I. Jane" originally referred to a member of the Women's Army Corps during World War II, but more recently it is used to refer to any American woman soldier.

In British military parlance and in armed forces modelled on British military traditions, G.I. refers to a Gunnery Instructor, generally an NCO responsible for inducting and training recruits. Provided by Wikipedia
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  1. 1

    Economic Co-Operation Between The U.S.S.R. And Turkey / G. I. Sosnov. by Sosnov, G. I.

    Published 1991
  2. 2

    Grolier Computer Sciences Library.

    Published 1977
  3. 3

    Global Rekabet Ortamı Karşısında Yeni Bir Sanayileşme Modeli / Haz. Metin Göker.

    Published 1992
  4. 4

    2000'Li Yıllara Doğru Türkiye'Nin Önde Gelen Sorunlarına Yaklaşımlar: 22-Ulaştırma.

    Published 1997
  5. 5

    2000'Li Yıllara Doğru Türkiye'Nin Önde Gelen Sorunlarına Yaklaşımlar: 24-Tüketicinin Korunması / Haz. Engin Başaran.

    Published 1997
  6. 6

    1992 Yılı Başında Türkiye Ekonomisi Ve Beklentiler / Temel Ergun, İlkin Baray. by Ergun, Temel

    Published 1992
  7. 7

    Türkiye'de karayolları nakliyat idaresi 1960. Tercüme eden Orhan Sungur. by Ireland, Geoffrey

    Published 1961
  8. 8

    Çalışanların İş Doyumu Üzerine Bir İnceleme / Gülten İncir. by İncir, Gülten

    Published 1990
  9. 9

    The economics of the modern construction sector / Graham J. Ive, and Stephen Gruneberg. by Ive, Graham

    Published 2000
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    Explanatory note on the 1967 input - output study for the use in the TFYP model / Güler İzmirlioğlu by İzmirlioğlu, Güler

    Published 1972
    Conference Proceeding
  12. 12

    Türkiye'De Kütüphane Otomasyonu Ve Sorunları / Gülsema İlhan. by İlhan, Gülsema

    Published 1988
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    Türkiye'de suçlular: sosyal, kültürel ve ekonomik özellikleri / Tülin Günşen İçli. by İçli, Tülin Günşen

    Published 1993
  15. 15

    Kentleşme ve çevre sorunları.4. Eyüp G. İsbir, Bülent Açma (Derl.):Bülent Açma by İsbir, Eyüp G.

    Published 2001
  16. 16

    Kentleşme, Metropolitan Alan Ve Yönetimi / Eyüp G. İsbir. by İsbir, Eyüp G.

    Published 1982
  17. 17

    Türkiye'de devlet memurlarının denetimi. by İsbir, Eyüp G

    Published 1977
  18. 18

    Management by objectives and results. by Morrisey, George I

    Published 1970
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