Ekonomik gelişim ve İslami finans / editörler: Zamir İkbal, Abbas Mirakhor; çevirenler : İlker Göçmen (ve diğ.)
Water and wastewater finance and pricing : the changing landscape / George A. Raftelis, CPA, Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. and other Industry Experts
Playing with fire : deepened financial integration and changing vulnerabilities of the global south / Yılmaz Akyüz
Housing policy debate.
Innovative East Asia: the future of growth. Shahid Yusuf (ve diğ).
Governance of public research:toward better practices.
Mali olaylar ve düzenlemeler ışığında Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ve Cumhuriyet döneminde mali idare.
Commercial management and financing of roads. Ian G. Heggie, Piers Vickers.
Project finance at the World Bank:an overviev of policies and instruments.
Kobi'lerin temel sorunları ve sağlanan destekler.
Türkiye'de Kobi anlayışının dünü bugünü geleceği: panel, 19 Eylül 2000, ODTÜ Kültür ve Kongre Merkezi.
The economics of money, banking, and financial markets. 7th ed.
Sermaye piyasası aracı olarak risk sermayesi ve Türk sermaye piyasasında uygulanabilirliği.
Finance for growth:policy choices in a volatile world.
Local government finance in Turkey: theory and practice of municipal revenues and expenditures, municipal budgeting, central-local fiscal relations . İsa Sağbaş, Muhlis Bağdigen.
General equilibrium approach to financial decisions:an econometric analysis of financial structure and behaviour in Turkey 1977-1987.
Financial development in Korea, 1945-1978. David C. Cole, Yung Chul Park.
Türk firmalarının dış yatırımları:saikler ve stratejiler.
Selected proceeding of the first international conference on business, management and economics, organized by Yaşar University 16-19 June 2005, Çeşme-İzmir, Turkey. (Derl.) Coşkun Can Aktan.
Submission and evaluation of proposals for private power generation projects in developing countries